viernes, junio 24, 2005

A NEW Multi Cultural Cooking Adventure!

Excelente programa de integracion multicultural: "Eat & Meet is a new initiative for women to share their stories about settling in into Australia while at the same time stress can be releaved while preparing a nuturious meal. Women also learn about culture differences and share tips on the best steps to accomodate yourself into a new country.

Many women when they arrive in Australia have problems settling in. They love to connect with other women from same or different nationalities who understand the settlement proces. It doesn't matter if you are mum caring for your kids or a career women with a high profile job. We all have the deal with the little weird things and logistics of settling in into an unknown culture."

Skilled Professional Migrant Program

El Adult Multicultural Education Sevices (AMES), ha creado un programa para preparar a los nuevos immigrantes a afrontar el mercado laboral Australiano. Este curso, disponible en el estado de Victoria (Melbourne) permite a los nuevos residentes prepararse en areas como preparacion de aplicaciones de trabajo, cultura laboral y plan de carrera.

Segun el sitio oficial de AMES: "AMES acknowledges that many people coming to Australia are skilled professionals with recognised qualifications and need assistance in entering the Australian Job Market. The Skilled Professional Migrant Program (SPMP) and the Skilled Designated Area Sponsored Scheme were designed to assist you find relevant employment and understand more about Australian work culture. "

miércoles, junio 22, 2005

Desautorizadas declaraciones de circulos bolivarianos en Sydney

Luego de las opiniones emitidas por Neuillys Petit en un evento de los circulos bolivarianos de Sydney, esta funcionaria de la embajada de Venezuela en Australia ha sido desautorizada.

De acuerdo a un articulo publicado en "Rodolfo Santiago (Embajador de Venezuela en Colombia) dijo que Neuillys Petit, asignada a la Embajada de Venezuela en Australia, y quien formulo graves acusaciones contra Uribe en una conferencia en Sydney, no tiene funciones diplomaticas ni es portavoz del Gobierno de Caracas, reseño Efe."

El embajador insistió que ''los funcionarios diplomáticos venezolanos no están autorizados para andar insultando a nadie en ninguna parte del mundo y mucho menos contra un jefe de Estado'' y consideró que Petit ''hizo una declaración desmedida e insolente''.

martes, junio 21, 2005

Evento Bolivariano en Sydney

Para los que emigran a Australia en busca de alejarse de los acontecimientos policitos de Venezuela, es importante saber que incluso hasta este lado del mundo, algunas cosas permean:

Internacional - "La representante Neuillys Petit, que no es diplomatica de carrera sino personal tecnico administrativo de la Embajada de Venezuela en la capital australiana, compartio tribuna con la consul de Cuba Nelida Hernandez, en un acto politico organizado por los circulos bolivarianos de Sydney"

domingo, junio 19, 2005

Australian Immigration - Legislation Change Update

Australian Immigration - Legislation Change Update: "From 1 July 2005, immigration law will be amended as part of the annual indexation process, resulting in the increase of certain fees and charges under the Migration Regulations 1994 and the Immigration (Education) Regulations 1992.

The annual indexation process is done in accordance with government policy and the Migration (Visa Application) Charges Act 1997."

jueves, junio 16, 2005

Skills assessment para contadores

"CPA Australia is one of three gazetted assessing authorities for the following ASCO occupations:

  • Accountant
  • Corporate Treasurer
  • External Auditor
  • Finance Manager

The other assessing authorities are the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) and the National Institute of Accountants (NIA). All three assessing authorities use similar criteria for assessment based on the degree-entry qualifications required for admission to Associate membership of CPA Australia or entry into the professional study program of the ICAA.
You can select any accountants' assessing authority to provide the assessment required for your permanent resident visa application. ACCA and CIMA qualified accountants who do not also have an undergraduate degree are offered several options for meeting the requirements for admission to Associate (entry level) membership of CPA Australia. However, for the purpose of migration applications, these accountants are advised to apply to either ICAA or NIA."

Mas informacion en

Requerimiento de 900 horas de experiencia

La siguiente informacion proveniente de Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) afecta principalmente a los candidatos a residencia permanente que poseen una visa de estudiante:

"As advised in January 2005, from 1 July 2005, TRA will require 900 hours work experience from applicants who have undergone formal AQF training in occupations assessed by TRA.

Q: Exactly what is TRA’s 900 hour requirement?
A: Applications for pre migration skills assessment received on or after 1 July 2005 which include an AQF qualification obtained through acceptable formal training, must also provide evidence of relevant and directly related work experience equalling not less than 900 hours.

Q: What is ‘relevant and directly related’ work experience?
A: Relevant and directly related work experience is that experience gained outside of the practical training undertaken within the training environment. That is, not classroom instruction. Such experience must be verifiable and carried out under the supervision of a suitably-qualified person (ordinarily a fully-qualified person in the relevant occupation).

Q: Does the work experience have to be at trade level?
A: For the purposes of skills recognition TRA requires work experience to demonstrate an identifiable skill level transition, i.e. Applicants completing trade level training (AQF Certificate III) should be able to demonstrate experience at semi skilled and skilled (trade level) during their claimed work experience."

El documento original con toda la informacion puede conseguirse AQUI

viernes, junio 10, 2005

Buscar trabajo o Immigrar

Muchas veces escucho a personas que preguntan si podran conseguir un buen trabajo o si pagan bien o mal en su area. Y luego de recibir una respuesta, la usan como unico elemento de decision.

Es muy importante entender que es distinto buscar trabajo en el exterior que emigrar. Emigrar significa cambiar de pais, vivir nuevas experiencias, contruir una nueva vida.

Es por esto que es muy importante analizar las razones por las que se desea emigrar.

lunes, junio 06, 2005

Part Time Working Visa

Este tipo de visa es emitido para los portadores de visa de estudiante. La carga maxima de trabajo semanal es de 20 horas. La visa es emitida en Australia despues de que el estudiante haya comenzado sus estudios. Pida hora y lleve el pasaporte con una carta de la escuela confirmando que el estudiante esta atendiendo a clases, y tome el formulario 157P (application for Student visa with permission to work). El costo es de AU$55.00.

viernes, junio 03, 2005

Trayendo sus pertenencias a Australia

Como nuevo immigrante o residente Australiano, usted tiene el derecho de traer consigo, libre de impuestos, todos sus efectos personales y del hogar de los que haya sido propietario y usuario durante al menos 12 meses previos a su partida hacia Australia. Los nuevos immigrantes tambien pueden traer consigo la cuota "Duty-Free" de los viajeros regulares, pero a diferencia de un turista ordinario, estos efectos no tienen que venir en el equipaje del pasajero.

Adicionalmente, algunos objetos estan expresamente excluidos de la definicion de efectos personales, y estan sujetos a otros requisitos. Estos incluyen:

-Vehiculos automotores o respuestos.
-Botes, casas rodantes o trailers.
-Maquinaria, planta y equipos.
-Atuendos de Piel.

Para mas informacion pueden visitar el sitio web del servicio de aduanas.

jueves, junio 02, 2005

El costo de la vida

Costo de la vida: "Adelaide is the cheapest capital city in the nation in which to shop, say figures released last week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The cost of a typical basket of 48 goods in Adelaide was $193.44 - significantly cheaper than Perth, the most expensive city, where the same basket tallied $211.66, an extra $18.22.

Sydney was ranked the second most expensive city to shop at $205.65, followed by Melbourne $199.95, Hobart $197.67 and Brisbane $197.01."

miércoles, junio 01, 2005

Overstayers and People in breach of Visa Conditions

Overstayers and People in breach of Visa Conditions: "There are conditions attached to each type of visa. For example, tourists are prohibited from working while on holiday here and students who apply and are granted a visa with a work permit in Australia may work only 20 hours per week while their courses are in session.

Foreign nationals who are working illegally are taking jobs away from unemployed Australian citizens and residents.
On 30 November 2000, the first phase of a government initiative to stop illegal workers from gaining access to the Australian labour market was launched.

Measures in this phase include a telephone information line, a fax back work rights checking facility for employers and labour suppliers and a new information kit, Don't Give A Job To An Illegal Worker."