jueves, agosto 04, 2005

Desempleo en los immigrantes es 3 veces mas alto que el promedio.

"The general consensus of opinion expressed at the forum was that this current recession was having a significantly detrimental impact upon Non English Speaking Background (NESB) people with some ethnic communities experiencing unemployment rates of up to three times the average. This can be attributed to the fact that both male and female immigrants tend to be concentrated in the manufacturing and construction industries, both of which have suffered high job losses over the past decade. Also the industrial restructuring that has taken place during this time has resulted in a shift away from specifically employing NESB migrants.

Many mature aged NESB people, once they have been made redundant, experience both language and cultural barriers as they try to access vital welfare services to which they are entitled. Some women for example are unaware that they can claim Family Allowance Supplement even though their husbands are still working. "

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